Cleaning made easy (well easier at least)
I am not really a “do a little at a time” kind of person. I’m very much an “all or nothing” chick.
That most definitely applies to my house cleaning routine. I am no where near disciplined enough to vacuum every Wednesday and do a load of laundry every night. It’s a stretch for me to run the dishwasher at night (and let’s just not talk about when it gets unloaded…..)
So come Saturday I am elbows deep getting my house in order.
I actually find it cathartic.
With that being said, I am always looking for ways to make cleaning easier (as if the rest of you actually try to make it harder! I really should read what I write sometimes!)
Well thanks to a few wonderful lifestyle influencers I idolize follow on social media, I have stumbled across Grove Collaborative. I just got my very first delivery and I am already looking forward to my cleaning day tomorrow!!!
So what is Grove Collaborative? I’ll let them tell you….
Grove Collaborative is an online service dedicated to helping you craft a healthy, beautiful environment in your home. We do the research and hand-select the best natural products, and deliver them (carbon offset) right to your door. And we have a 100% happiness guarantee, so you can feel safe trying new products.
Flashback: My first website was called “Intentionally Green” and it focused on ways we can each take simple steps to become more natural and “green” in our lives. In addition to educating clients on reducing their footprint, I curated natural products for home and beauty so this is right up my alley!
I bring this up because Grove Collaborative offers natural products and they do it in a way that makes it super easy on their clients by allowing us to create a subscription. I love this for so many reasons…..first and foremost is the quality of the natural products they represent. Second, since I live in a small space and really don’t like clutter (see blog post here), the idea of getting just enough product and not have to find space to store the overflow really appeals to me. Third, their subscription service eases my mind and allows me to focus on other things.
So a couple of things that you might be thinking…..Is it expensive? How often do they ship? How much is shipping?
I encourage you to check them out online but here are a few answers:
- Is it expensive?
- I didn’t find their prices to be out of line. Further, I got a ton of free stuff on my first order so it was very reasonable. I also got a free trial of their VIP program as well.
- How often do they ship your subscription and can I change what I get?
- They set you up for shipment every other month but you have flexibility as to how often you want product and which products you want.
- How much is shipping?
- Shipping is $2.99 and there is a carbon offset. Their VIP program is $39.99 per year and covers free shipping and carbon offsets for the entire year.
They also have a great referral program so if you sign up a friend they can get $10 off their order and you get $10 on yours! Win-win!!!
I can’t wait to try out my new products tomorrow. I’ll report back and let you know what I think. And if you try them out, please let me know what you think.